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EOY Ripple Price Prediction

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On 5/23/2018 at 6:14 PM, XRPRJB said:

I am expecting between $10 and $30 EOY however that is based on current information and is my conservative estimate. I genuinely see no reason whatsoever that it couldn't be far, far higher. This product has the potential to be in the hundreds of dollars by the end of this year. If all the stars align and the institutions move in, the price will fly. You will know it has started because it wont go up 15% in one day, it will go up 400% in one day and keep going after that.


People are thinking too small IMHO. Oh, and don't listen to that pussycat. He is exactly that.

Man...... That would be a party, seeing XRP climb 400% at a single day, and reapeating those climbs for deveral days. I definetly would need a new F5 button on my keyboard when this happens, and take a few days off to watch this happening doing nothing else than drinking beer and posting Rocket gifs 24h a day..

Edited by DutchPanda
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On 5/23/2018 at 3:56 AM, dayvkaos said:

I've met a couple of whales who have proven it to me, they are holding for a specific number and it's HIGH. It was assuring for sure.

High as in $5 high? Or a double digit high? Or more?

High is relative :)

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around 1 dollar EOY 2018 - dump after disappointing news from SBI, following general downward trend of whole market. 

Around 10 dollars EOY 2019 - Binance and Coinbase adding Fiat pairings, Xrapid in full production following succesful pilots and trials. New use cases for XRP starting to come into fruition. 

Around 100 dollars - Xrapid gaining marketwide adoption, new use cases for xrp in production and being implemented, leading exchanges listing xrp as the base pairing, xrp overtaking btc and FOMO kicking in. 


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1 hour ago, Qasim_786 said:

around 1 dollar EOY 2018 - dump after disappointing news from SBI, following general downward trend of whole market. 

Around 10 dollars EOY 2019 - Binance and Coinbase adding Fiat pairings, Xrapid in full production following succesful pilots and trials. New use cases for XRP starting to come into fruition. 

Around 100 dollars - Xrapid gaining marketwide adoption, new use cases for xrp in production and being implemented, leading exchanges listing xrp as the base pairing, xrp overtaking btc and FOMO kicking in. 


I’d add an extra 0 onto those predictions then I reckon you would be closer ?

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@Elitefoo you are one of the very, very few people I believe in, in this space. Your TA during the $0.20 days seriously impressed me. Hope to see more from you! I strongly agree with $10 eoy.

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I think it could go both ways. I think it would be mainly because of BTC valuation. If there's a real meltdown I don't know how the markets are going to react and it might drag us back down to 0.20 or lower. On the other hand BTC money might flow into XRP.

Getting the regulation part behind us would be great and would certainly help XRP. I just feel like banks and others are now held back starting exploring/using XRP because there's no regulatory "go". I'm afraid this might give the competition more time to make a step forward and reduce the head start. Sorry to be a pessimist but I feel like Ripple really wants to get to the next stage now but it's not possible so they make alternative use-cases to make sure it's more generally adopted and doesn't fade away.
On the other hand I've been saying a few months ago that Ripple should broaden their use (which they're doing now with Coil and xPring). Just to have the value of it backed by adoption because it's still mainly speculation. It's only since very recently this gave me mixed feelings.

SBI VC is probably going to be very important. They'll have a lot of users but I don't know if that's actually going to spark the fire. It's just that they're a trusted company and that might onboard big money. But the delays in going "live" with SBI VC is worrying me a bit. They say summer, that's still almost 4 months to deliver.

I really think sooner or later Amazon will be announced. These "slipups" can't be coincidence anymore/ That wouldn't mean they will be using XRP immediately though but it would still be great news and very likely they'll use XRP in the future.

So I'd go max 20$ by EOY when all the stars align and with a likely 10$ when XRP gets a fairly good year. With the crash from earlier this year 5$ would still make me happy though. I think long-term Ripple will get to 100$ (5 to 10 years).

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