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Everything posted by Moriarty

  1. Ive been thinking if this is maybe some another pump and dump. I guess the coming days will tell us... however for some reason I have the feeling that one of the household names joined, and that this company is Amazon. I clearly can see the benefit for them to use xrp and that would put xrp definitely on the map!
  2. I agree with you on that one. Looking at today's increase we moved up 5-7 cent, if you compare that to other coins I'd say we should be on the safe side.
  3. I'm happy to see today's development, and looking forward to see what will happen when Korea wakes up. Can we continue the climb or is the hangover already scheduled for tomorrow morning.. Anyway, looking at the past months I've noticed that this community of XRP holders is a tough one. They have this believe and trust in XRP that is tremendous, I can only have respect for that. It is one factor I haven't seen in other communities yet. Let's remain patient, XRP will shine. What we got so far is: - a hint that two household names will make use of xRapid (XRP utilisation) (Joel Katz) - lock up confirmed (amen) - Japan remains positive and considers XRP usage in spring of 2018 - Arrington XRP Hedge Fund (hell yeah) - A possible Indian bank that should be buying XRP (Based on a tweet?) The future looks bright. We are part of something big, we just need to give it time to develop itself further.
  4. Yes, now let's see if we can stay above it!
  5. It's discussable if aim is more actionable than intention. Willing to have the discussion with you, just don't want to bore the others :). Looking again at the header, XRP usage by Banks Confirmed! That's just not true.
  6. Please let's stick to the facts, your header is misleading. Nothing has been officially announced with regards to XRP usage. It is just that they have intentions.
  7. The thing that is missing on this forum is some sort of indicator, determining the value and subject of the article. The reader has the opportunity to give some kind of indication to future readers about the articles value. If you for example read a post and you believe it has something worthy to say about XRP being utilized, - Interesting read about XRP usage (recommended by 70% of a total of 100 voters) - OK read nothing special about XRP usage (20% of a total of 100 voters) - ******** (Quatsch) about XRP usage (10% of a total of 100 voters) In my opinion, this would make the forum better.
  8. @iLeeT & @Pointbreak I do enjoy reading worthwile analysis, opinions and predictions. I fully agree that the last couple of weeks this general discussion thingy developed itself to a Clickbait zone. Such a waste.
  9. This isn't breaking.. come on. It would be breaking if North Korea would accept XRP.
  10. Escrow done. next : announcements SBI come on Japan !
  11. I'm not worried at all, iota and xlm can surpass us but the Ripple team has been building and promoting XRP for a very long time. Eventually, we'll make the headlines with a sharp rise someday
  12. The article predicts a $2 value in 2018, really ? When banks start using xrp, knowing that banks move everyday millions if not billions eur/usd/jpy - it’s quite safe to say $2 is worst case scenario for 2018 in my opinion. Of course the process of banks rolling into xRapid will take some time , but I expect that 1 year from now (6th of December 2018) some banks will be using xrp. I do recall that someone from the ripple team already gave away that the value they strive xrp to get lays between $70-120. Correct me if I’m wrong.
  13. Every now and then I get dissapointed reading the “why didn’t xrp rise in value and look at other coins that are performing better” to me it seems that these guys are in it only to make some bucks in a very short time frame. I like to call the core group of the people here on this chat investors, because they know what ripple and eventually xrp can be capable of and believe in its purpose. That is what makes this community great, one of the reasons I also have faith in ripple and xrp doing good things. We have to understand that what Ripple is doing has the potential to shake up the world and change banks and FIs the way we know it. Ripple’s success is measured in banks adopting ripple then xrp , and this will take some time. I am very glad that xrp didn’t catch the hype speculation train (btc and now iota did) because our mode of transport will be a rocket. Ripple’s impact on the world will be immensive, we only need to remain PATIENT!!!
  14. https://mobile.twitter.com/bgarlinghouse/status/935225940845711366
  15. https://iceclog.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/TACXE-Position-Paper-v02nov2017.pdf Came across this via a connection of mine. Interested in hearing your thoughts.
  16. Ripple is doing great and has potential to do many other great stuff in China, not sure about XRP though...
  17. @prkzingis , same here. I'm just building my stack, and keeping up-to-date what is happening with Ripple/XRP. Day in, Day out.
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