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DanielW last won the day on March 3 2017

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  1. From an Objective Financial Personal point of view, Jed is quite smart! If you can't read between the lines that come to me when I first read the first lines on this thread, then here is my speculation: This will enforce and keep strengthening the use of BTC, so everyone wants free easy money, and all you have to do is to be a BTC holder, and that will enhance BTC's endorsement even more. He doesn't care about XRP, he's just riding the boat of XRP media buzz, and that's smart for SEO reason, because how many were there for XRP back in 2014 and how many fall into his restrictions? Very few, so that's cheap marketing for a lot more audience he'd get for the money he spends on it (free money), and the proof is that we've been informed about it here on XRPChat. Most importantly, he's creating his own XLM market by not distributing it to one exchange or a couple of them, rather he's spreading may be millions or over a billion of his XLM to end users, who will be making the volumes moves. He's not insulting our intellects, rather he's using the human basic instinct of greed to create a billion dollar business for very little effort. I salute his brain that creates this plan
  2. New info learned today! I had myself in that position, and had to pull up my Cold Wallet just to send 20 XRP :/ Had a couple thousands of IOU at the time, so this would be really great in case you fall under the reserve. Also, once I just had to disable some Trustlines and got it activated back.
  3. We need Video Tutos for the new users, although I'm techy guy and a business one, I was feeling delirious trying to use Ripple!!! I had enough money for few investments, yet had no heck of an idea how to activate my wallet, didn't even understand the reserve issue, and Karlos and an anonymous guy activated mine, and from there I discovered a whole new world, and discovered Gatehub as well and that unlocked more access to me, and brought two more friends to Gatehub and it took them more than 2 days to get it activated, although I don't know how long exactly I told them to get on this forum and check with the Gatehub crew, and I found it strange, because they were UK based, and mine was approved in about 2 hours of less, but theirs took way longer. The XRP community is more different than any other one, because the majority of cryptos are either pretty much Nerdy or very young and very enthusiastic about their coin, so they do everything possible legal or not to get their project up, pump it, dump it, hype it, FUD it if necessary, create Apps around it, pay from their pockets in Faucets, bounties, competitions, spread hoaxes, sell themselves in any way possible. On the other hand, the XRP community are the gentlemen of Crypto with lots of pride and strategy. Most of the people coming on board are the one who have checked/studied or analyzed the whole Ripple thing and believed in it and the tech behind it, and also believed sooner or later XRP will prevail, so they just feel lazy or too high to look as if they act in a cheap way to help the value rise, nevertheless, we need Youtubers, Bloggers, Authors and others to enrich the search engines by keywords such as Ripple and XRP, just google Dash or even Monero and Google Ripple, what you'll get? A droplet of water, that's what Ripple is to Google, although Google is one of the backers of Ripple, so go figure. We need lots of people creating websites and forums about Ripple and XRP, where dozens or hundreds, may be thousands of users post unique content full of our beloved keywords. Just take a moment and check how many Ripple/XRP based forums are there? Only 1, that's the answer, and that would illustrate how much we're valued for marketing and SEO, and keep in mind the higher you're mentioned across Social Networks, the higher your coin gets, so it's our call guys.
  4. Nice, I like it. Once they get to digest that, they can get to read about Scalping, Arbitrage, and detailed Day Trading. I have to add, any newbie/newcomer should never get involved in Day Trading in high volumes markets like Poloniex. They could be lucky, but most definitely it will be a cemetery for the majority, and might say good bye to their funds. Also, the volatility of Crypto is highly related to people's acceptance, as well as regulators decisions, and that's unfortunately depending mainly on the US and China, where lots of traders are not from, so they have to stay informed about what's going on. Finally, it would be much safer for a newcomer to just study the coin he's getting invested in, and if convinced to buy and hold, but only buy what he can afford to lose, and let time takes its course, and usually it will rise no matter what, because FIAT is always vulnerable to inflation, let alone governments would encourage inflation most of time to get rid of their debts and stimulate the subjects' number of purchases and induce high volumes. If there are Forex traders coming into equation, although they might be very experienced in Trading, they will be baffled by the volatility of Crypto, which is even way random and awkward than any other stocks, and some concepts will be shattered into tiny micro pieces, so a dramatic fall of coin might be counter-parted by an astronomical rise, hence the whole buy/sell trends will be for a little bit confusing, and the decision making process needs to be more careful than ever, however, lots of Forex traders will not trust the Crypto tech, because most of them are so much indoctrinated by regulators and laws, thus they will trust any FIAT over any Crypto any time, especially if they come with a baggage of some years of work in the field, so for them I guess using Ripple will be very much convenient, because they can own FIAT on their wallets and can withdraw it just like they do with ex-brokers, only for lower fees. I have to add, trading over Polo is HIGHLY and I mean Literally HIGHLY Profitable, but I'm sure as much it's a great experience for some, it was/is/will be the worst experience for others, so if you want to take action and take your investment in your hands, then Polo is the answer. If you want others to do the work for you, then hold for 2-3 years and get back to harvest some sweet easy money, let's hope you'll be alive by then or at least leave your Secret Key to your Inheritors, and I seriously mean it, it's better than leaving them locked out from that fortune. Some might think it's pessimistic, but it's just realistic and pragmatic, and I'm better off knowing my kids will have an easy life after my departure than leaving them to walk into an abyss. I couldn't proof-read my post like always, but I hope this might something to the above article
  5. I thought it was only my ISP issue, for the last couple of weeks too, I get randomly and often disconnected, especially when I try to retrieve the Order Books, that would be impossible, and now I'm %100 positive, it's a server-related issue. Could it be the overload we're getting from more users on the network?
  6. Easiest way also, get a EU Bank account that you can open Online in 1 day Use TransferWise to transfer from ACH to this EU IBAN for very little fee, once I tried it and it was about $3 for $150, which was very acceptable and there was no FX fee, because it uses P2P concept for Remittance. Use that EU Account to drop to Gatehub for free, and problem resolved. To verify the EU bank account, just upload your passport, a pic of you holding the passport, fill up the Questionnaire, set a Skype Video Meeting of 3-5 minutes, they will ask you to show your passport and then take a webcam-shot of your passport next to your face, and you'll get a EU Bank Account, with up to 6 Visa Card, each card has its own EU IBAN. You send/receive SEPA for free, and you can send to the whole world for a very little fee.
  7. Wow man! Just from reading the comments there, we will for sure use it for our case as well, absolutely positive about this! Thanks for sharing, you deserve a Medal Vinnie.
  8. Haven't checked that, but gonna UpVote it from here
  9. Even on Ripple Admin Console it works like that, and I do it all the time, it keeps serving others, until your funds have finished and the order will be cancelled for the Not Enough Funds, just like on Gatehub, so I believe that's already implemented in Ripple.
  10. I believe Mono works on both Mac and Linux, and even the most advanced API can be used, since Miguel De Icaza provides Xamarin on Mac and Windows only after he deserted Linux, and Xamarin is basically MonoDevelop on Steroids, and they've been acquired now by Microsoft, so I believe that would work on Mac easily, unless you're using some Windows Specific .Net WCF components, and that means that won't run on Linux either, and that would be a bummer. However, I agree with the guy who suggested C, yes ANSI-C code will provide Wrappers for every single Programming Language on earth, so others can create Wrappers for Go, Python, Ruby and whatever other languages like Java and C#. Also, I would love to see an API that interrogates all the Gateways price for a currency, for example if I can make a call like: RIPPLE::getAskPrice('USD','EUR', ALL); Where ALL can be a Trustline address, or a Gateway's name, or ALL, which means all of them. Something like: params = struct {api_token, server, signature}; connection = new RIPPLE::connect(params); amount = struct{currency,value,max,fee,address}; deal = RIPPLE::askPrice(amount); transaction = RIPPLE::sign(deal, connection); status = RIPPLE::execute(transaction); ____ Other features can be implemented as well, conditional loops, stubs and more.
  11. The good thing about this country is more than that: - They cannot force you to raise the fees, the technology they use imposes on them the high fees, so we might be leading them or bringing them a better alternative. - We've set up the business as Local, hence we hit the Investment Laws, thus we're exempted from Taxes for 5 years, then we'll get a huge discount. - The law provides us a better plan for Foreign FIAT that we can bring and hold inside the territory and have freedom to move, if we give them %7 only! - I assure you, the fees will be a killer feature. They don't have a developed law or regulations about emoney or online transactions, so you're excused from any extra fees. The remittance issue has tackled some brain spots in my head, and I've added it as a To-Be-Discussed, and I don't know why we didn't pay notice to it This is what I call Community Positive Brainstorming. Thanks everyone! Wish you great success too.
  12. When it happens to me, it means only one of these things: - The order you wanted to set took so long. It might even be bought or cancelled, as if when you eye an Ask price and you want to snatch it quickly, but someone was quicker. - When I trade over different Gateways, and the Admin Console Wallet isn't showing the correct values, happened on me even on Gatehub, so I had to set an order that was way out of reach then cancel then got back to normal to set the prices I wanted. - I get disconnected on the Admin Console, and I'm getting disconnected very often in the last 4 days. It could be another reason, but that what I know about so far. Till now we have no decent wallet for Ripple, and I hope our team will bring us something useful, because I was against using CEF, and wanted a pure wxWidgets, Qt, JUCE, Skia, or pure vanilla C++. Looking forward for the outcome.
  13. We're absolutely not going to offend any laws or regulators, and we're not after causing any capital to flee from there. We believe our Coin will be a good player and much needed, so other Crypto enthusiasts and traders will see its value, and they will be the major center for transactions for the multinational companies and the citizens money conversion, while we're paid there locally, we're not taking that money out, instead we're focusing on 2 industries, local produce exports (veggies and fruits are exported worldwide), as well as manufacturing, and they're having some serious companies there in the IT field, that are exporting to Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria, and they're specialized in TVs, Smartphones, Tablettes, Computers and you name it, just Google IRIS Algerie, Condor Algerie, Starlight Algerie, Starsat Algerie...etc Oh boy, they brought the 4K TVs 1/3rd of the price in the EU, and they got explosive export numbers. We want to be market creators in these countries, because the scaling and expansions there is really exponential, unlike in the EU or the US, where the market is already saturated. China is racing so hard to gain the biggest pathway to Africa, and that's one of the biggest economies in the world, and so shall we as well. There are plenty of resources, cheap workforce/labour, highly skilled people, and unlimited opportunities to be among the big guys there, so why not start small when you have no competition, and we hope there won't be more competition in the near future, just until we are online. The whole thing started when I discovered the whole Ripple thing, and I was conversing with some business partners the limitless possibilities, and everybody starting from me asked the question why is nobody taking advantage of this tech and making something useful out of it? The answer was the market saturation, and Africa/SouthWest Asia popped in everyone's train of thoughts, and here we are. I had some 50K left for investment in something that has potential, and I threw it here, and so did 2 others, and mainly for Developers and Infrastructure, while the VCs are coming only to provide Liquidity for our EDC to jump-start it from its inception. If we can get a $5M liquidity for our EDC after we launch, we're pretty sure to attract a lot of attention. Also, we're making sure there will be no inflation, but no scarcity either, as explained before, our draft reviews came 2 days ago, and they improved the flow of how it should work to avoid the problem of Mining to go Green on our Planet, as well as avoid the Pre-mined coins that limit you on whether you'll need that much or even that much will be proven too little, and also to be transparent how the coins are generated and governed automatically by the market needs. So far, it's a new approach, and it has never been used for any other Crypto-coin, and we'll be interested to see how everything will turn out. We have no intention to make money from the coins, so we don't need to hold them, but we want to make money from the Transactions' fees, and the Solutions we provide alongside, just like how would Alipay or Paypal make money without needing to create their own money. So the coins will be there for several use cases, including but not limited to bridging like XRP, trading with other FIAT/Crypto like Forex, and Store Value, because there won't be or not much value loss, because there'll be enough coins for handling the day to day transactions with no over-supply, and with more FIAT liquidity. The selling point for us is to be Legal and loved by the authorities where we operate, so that big corps can see us as reliable and use our services. Nevertheless, I know China has some real beef with BTC, so gonna check that out for sure and bring it up to our team. Thanks for pointing that out @Graine
  14. This should be the answer to many problems they have. There are over 1.5 Million citizen living in France, and they send money back home, and the fees are extremely high for the receiving party, so this could be the answer of moving millions per year for much lesser fees and much faster, while being in line with the laws of providing them the local FIAT in return. Also, no e-payment solution for any e-shop, although there are few hundreds of eShops and thousands of e-Middlemen to get you the local FIAT in or out from Paypal, Skrill, Paysera, Bitcoin and others, and in our study, a single famous forum for this business recorded over $50K in 4 days only, although the Moderators were limiting the purchase power of the members to allow everyone a chance to get some of that! The results were shocking, while the government forbids that, people have loopholes, and Moderators made it a restriction that any member can only purchase $500 per week, and must be a 6 months old member, and even with that there were huge money movements, and the more shocking thing is this: The official price for the EUR is 117 DZD, but it's sold for 195-200 DZD and it goes on the fly! Let alone it's very scarce no matter how much you provide them, so this will indeed be a game changer. There is a business bloom for multinational companies, and they're charged over %25 just to move their funds outside the country, and here again we can be a great answer to their worries with very competitive fees, and just imagine our legal EDC/Coin can be converted to XRP over the Ripple Gateways, so they can purchase it using the local FIAT DZD and get EDC, then from EDC move to whatever EUR/USD/XRP and move it instantly and flawlessly. We have a more detailed business plan, and we're studying our venture very carefully.
  15. Mercury got it right. There is one keyword, that will give you the country on the first Google Search. That's irrelevant for now though, once these technicalities have been resolved and we're ready to launch, this will be the first place to announce it
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